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WedBest: Wedding Planner & Organizer





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



WedBest: Wedding Planner & Organizer(圖1)-速報App

Wedding is very important part of our lives. We all dream of having a beautiful and grand wedding. All of us wish to make our wedding day as the best day of our lifer. To make that happen a lot of work and planning is needed. WedBest is the best wedding planner app that will make all wedding task easy to manage and follow.

In WedBest you can manage your own wedding or as a wedding planner you can manage multiple weddings.

Create a wedding by adding bride, groom and wedding details. Manage each wedding individually.

WedBest main features:

- East to plan, manage & organize wedding preparations.

- Easy to create and manage guest list.

- Wedding countdown on main page.

WedBest: Wedding Planner & Organizer(圖2)-速報App

- Guest Management : Create & manage guest list easily.

Get summary of total number guest.

Know Invitation send status & other guest reports.

Filter the list as per your preference.

- Vendor Management : Create vendor list & manage payment.

WedBest: Wedding Planner & Organizer(圖3)-速報App

- Budget : Create wedding Budget in settings from wedding details.

Create and organize your budget list.

Set limit of budget for each category.

- Task List: Plan your wedding by creating multiple tasks & sub-task.

Assign task to others.

WedBest: Wedding Planner & Organizer(圖4)-速報App

Know report of task completed and pending task details.

- Dashboard: Will give you complete information of all you wedding plan.

Easy to view tasks, sub-tasks, vendor list and payment, guest list and invitation status, budget status of the wedding.

- Settings : Create multiple wedding list.

Add, edit and manage category of work.

WedBest: Wedding Planner & Organizer(圖5)-速報App

Whether you are planning your own wedding or your a wedding planner company this WedBest : Wedding Planner & Organizer will help ease your wedding planning & management.

Disclaimer: We are constantly working to improve user experience. If you like or dislike features do let us know on our email. Feedback & suggestions are always welcome.

WedBest: Wedding Planner & Organizer(圖6)-速報App